
Depression is one of the symptoms most frequently encountered in treatment. It may be the primary issue treated, or a symptom of another disorder. It takes many forms, including dysthymia, bipolar illness, psychotic depression, seasonal affective disorder, and major depression.

What follows is a preliminary draft of an overview about the treatment of depression and grief. The goal of this map is to sort out the various forms of depression and suggest treatments for each of them

Using the Map

You can start looking at the map by clicking on Map 1A in the navigation bar. If you have a particular patient in mind, think of him/her as you go through the flow chart. Whenever you have a question about one of the boxes on the map, refer to the associated section of text by clicking on it in the drop-down menu associated with the map.


This map was originally written by Thad Harshbarger, Ph.D., in collaboration with Cara Donaldson, Ph.D. and Amy Hartford, Psy.D. in 1996 -98 and revised in 2005 and 2012. It is currently administered by Thad Harshbarger.

Work to Do

There are many places in this coverage that need revision and expansion. The map was actually written before the anxiety, new patient and alcohol treatment maps and has only been partly revised to be consistent with them. Please make suggestions in the bulletin boards associated with the maps and text sections.

Additional references would also be helpful, especially if they are very specific.